Exploration of conformal field theories (CFTs) is one of the key areas in modern theoretical physics where progress is happening at a rapid pace. The workshop will cover various aspects of CFTs as well as related topics, focusing in particular on higher-dimensional cases such as 3d and 4d theories. Areas discussed will include integrability, holography, conformal bootstrap and mathematical aspects.
We aim to bring together leading international and Russian experts in the subject, and ample time for discussions will be left to stimulate fruitful scientific exchange. We hope the spirit of the meeting to be a continuation of the successful workshops held in Moscow in 2019 and 2018.
Organizing committee:
Vladimir Kazakov, chair (ENS Paris)
Mikhail Alfimov (HSE & Lebedev Inst.)
Nikolay Gromov (King's College London)
Fedor Levkovich-Maslyuk (ENS Paris & IITP Moscow)
Konstantin Zarembo (Nordita Inst., Stockholm)
Program Committee:
Nikolay Gromov, deputy chair
Konstantin Zarembo, chair
Supported by
Interdisciplinary Center J.-V. Poncelet
Independent University of Moscow
Skoltech and its Center for Advanced Studies
Faculty of Mathematics, Higher School of Economics Moscow
International Laboratory of Mathematical Physics
and Representation Theory at Higher School of Economics
Speakers (preliminary)
Irina Arefeva (Steklov Inst. Moscow)
Benjamin Basso (ENS Paris)
Nadav Drukker (King's College London)
Gwenael Ferrando (ENS Paris)
Victor Gorbenko (IAS Princeton)
Ben Hoare (ETH Zurich)
Alexei Isaev (JINR Dubna)
Charlotte Kristjansen (NBI Copenhagen)
Alexei Litvinov (Landau ITP)
Alexander Orlov (HSE Moscow)
Michelangelo Preti (Nordita Stockholm)
Alexei Rosly (ITEP, Skoltech, HSE Moscow)
Larus Thorlacius (Stockholm U. & Iceland U.)
*= to be confirmed